Fictional Déjà Vu

Have you ever felt a longing for a place you have never been to? A strong desire to be at some scenic location you had pictured in your mind’s eye while perusing the words of some author? You have? Come, join the club! This strange sensation and an inexplicable urge to just fly away to…

These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer

  This review is just a picture of how personally I take my books and how involved I get! Great many spoilers and fan girl babbling ahead! Now I don’t know how this happened but it was just a coincidence that I read The Black Moth before reading These Old Shades and I hadn’t read…

The Toll-Gate by Georgette Heyer

The Toll Gate was an interesting read and my rating is hovering somewhere between 3.75* to 4* for this Georgette Heyer work, the reasons for which I shall elaborate further in my review below. The best feature of this book for me is it’s outstanding characterisation, which is typical Heyer, with an incredulous hero, equally…